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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Microsoft's New Icafe Program..smells fishy or money?

today i receive a communication letter from microsoft phils. concerning their new policy on ICafe program (yes we're one of the few who despite financial constraints complied to use legit Os from M$)

here is the frustrating part..

it's very clear that they are excluding home edition Versions of their OS as valid OS for "renting out" in their new program!

oh my! we just bought 9 xp home edition a year ago because they said it is valid as long as we submit IRRA to their office.. (which we did) now as i understand the letter below (scanned and edited - the address line) we are still valid to use the xp home..but for how long?

seems to me that they are forcing us (legit users) to use their new product...
why us! we already complied...they should focus their attention to those illegal icafes lurking around and laughing at us for investing our resource to comply where there is still rampant usage of pirated softwares everywhere.

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